Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Beginning harmony with solfege!

Our 5th and 6th grade choruses are starting to learn pieces for the district choral festival. Here is a clip from today's rehearsal where we're using solfege (sol-fedj) to sing harmony (two parts sung at the same time). There are a few students off screen who would prefer it that way!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Lunch Crew

A dancing lunch group of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders has evolved at Moretown Elementary :)

Friday, October 12, 2018


 This year, our 5th and 6th grade band members are piloting the "Smartmusic" practicing platform. It appears to motivate students to practice until they get a song just right. So far, so good!

Three Serious Jokers!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

21st Century Band

Students are completing assignments with Smartmusic, a new online practicing platform all of our elementary school music programs are implementing.

Creative Movement

Students in music class are engaging with activities that inspire creative movement. Looks like fun!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Welcome Back!!

I hope summer has been terrific for you, our Moretown and Waitsfield families! I am looking forward to another year of musical exploration, creative development, and skill building with our students. We are in the process of scheduling our instrument night with Ellis Music of Bethel VT. Check them out at This event will allow our 4th through 6th grade families to procure instruments, books, and accessories for band. Confirmed date to come. See you soon! Mr. Hill

Friday, February 23, 2018

District 4th through 6th grade singers converge upon Harwood!

Our Annual district Choral Festival was held this week at Harwood Union under the direction of Mrs. Stefanie Weigand. Students from our many small schools gathered to sing in multiple parts for what was a very productive day of rehearsals, and a very powerful evening performance!